What we offer

Find LCKC baby food at the following farmers markets:
Burlingame: Sundays 9am - 1pm

Sign up to receive the flavors of the week! (link to newsletter signup for now...until I create a separate form)

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Private interactive cooking classes
Join us for a hands-on cooking experience.  Topics range from making your own baby food to perfect party appetizers.  Great for a date night with friends, or an afternoon activity for a mom's group!

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Other unique services
We also offer off-site cooking demonstrations, gift certificates, baby shower gifts, and coming soon, a Baby Food of the Month Club.  Email us to plan a customized event.

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Favorite flavors

- Cuban black beans with roasted plantains, mango & coconut
- Jewish-inspired potato latkes with caramelized onions, apples & parsley
- Coconut brown rice with roasted sweet potatoes
- Thai curry with butternut squash and millet
- Roasted golden beet, carrot & quinoa, and many more flavors coming soon…


Favorite classes

  • - Apples to Beets: Baby food for 6+ months
    - Lentils to Meats: Baby food for 9+ months
    - NEW! International baby foods for 9+ months
    - Cooking with Whole Grains: the new Superfood
    - Easy Entertaining: the perfect party appetizers
    - Healthy Lunches: eating well during the week


"I loved the hands-on nature of this class. It took away any hesitation I had previously about cooking whole grains. I will no longer rush past the grain dispensers at Whole Foods and am anxious to start experimenting with more whole grains now! "

- Jill B.